Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Revenge as a pressure relief valve for anger.

Once you learn that you've been cheated on, lied to and mislead about your relationship anger and hatred may build inside.

What do you do with that powerful emotion boiling inside you?

Do you get revenge or forgive?

At some point you will have to forgive in order to move on with your life and be happy, but if you're not there yet and want to get revenge first, you have options.

Below are some ideas I've heard that other people have done to get revenge.  I am in no way telling you to get revenge in order to release that anger that is trapped inside you; what you do is entirely your choice.

Speaks for itself.

Spray paint has been used to write on a garage door of his house and or the mistresses house.
I'm sure in lots of other creative ways too.

There's the ol' clean the toilet with his toothbrush bit.  It's an oldy but goody.

How about placing poop in the tank of the toilet?  This sounds more like something a man would do, but who knows.

How about an ad in the newspaper or on craigslist?  A friend of mine put a classified ad in the local paper.  "Husband for sale cheap, comes with mistress."  That was the gist of it, but she elaborated.

There is always the home printed flyer with the cheaters name and picture on it, along with what they did wrong and post it up around the neighborhood and town.

My favorite story that I heard was a wife who sold her husbands car while he was traveling for "work".  What a surprise to come home to after vacationing with one's mistress?!  That takes a lot of balls.

Interested in something more covert?  How about a facebook account in their name describing what type of person they are, pictures and all.  Although, at some point fb will ask you to take it down, but until then.......

This is a bullseye on any man's ego!

We don't all have the luxury of this kind of money, but talk about priceless.

Have fun at a sporting event.

Another more covert method is to put their name on a cheaters website.  There are many and they are free.

That concludes the revenge list for today, but stay tuned, there will be more.  Revenge is wicked and so am I.  In the future I will share some of my wicked ways with you.

If you have tried any or heard of any interesting, entertaining ways of getting revenge for a broken heart please share.  I'm always looking out for the next great revenge story.

In a future post I will list positive, healing ways of getting revenge.

Until then, remember you are deserving of romance, love and faithfulness.

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